Cosmic Scenes is a wonderful wallpaper generator that provides a different wallpaper whenever users desire. But not just any image, it will only generate beautiful 3D Cosmic images, and the best thing is that you will never see the same image twice. The program sits in the system tray and allows users to customize and control everything from there.
Users can select the number of stars and nebulae they want as well as the frequency of change (every 15 minutes, 30 minutes, an hour, day or never), sun and nebulae color. They can also preview the selected settings before actually applying them and change the wallpaper whenever they want from the system tray no matter the options selected. The trial version places the logo of the company on the desktop, which is really annoying, but it disappears when the program is registered. The images are really beautiful and original, but to buy it I think you should be a huge space fan. The colors give life to the boring desktop, but users may get tired of it after some time.